“Such promptness and fire, with such perfect docility, I never saw united in any other species”

DC Linsley, 1857


Bred in South Australia, sired by one of the most celebrated stallions in Australia, Mt Tawonga King and out of Tui’s Moana, “Fly” is the resident stallion at Rosebrook.

*Champion Stallion – 2022 Australian National Morgan Show Conformation Awards *

He is true to type and stamps all of his progeny with his correct Morgan traits. He is my riding partner and much loved member of our family.

Available to approved mares by fresh AI or frozen semen.


Bred by Rene’e and Tim of Crossmatch Morgans in Western Australia, Supreme Champion at the 2015 Australian National Morgan Show – “Finn” represents many years of careful planning and select breeding. Sired by Beau’s Western Edition, out of Eirestay Zerlina, he has been retained as Rene’s treasured riding horse.

Available to approved mares by frozen semen.